Intuition is Your Secret Weapon

in Life & Business

Intuition is Your Secret Weapon in Life & Business

More quickly manifest your desires.

See the clearest path to achieve a personal or professional goal.

Receive inspired guidance for new abundance to enter your life.

Chapter Titles


Introduction: The Road Not Taken - What intuition is, why tapping into it is like learning any skill, and how it helps you to see what’s in your blind spot.

One: What’s In Your Highest Good? - Why answering this simple question with the help of your intuition can save you hours of toil and trouble and help you find your most aligned path to fulfillment.

Two: Making Time to Be - Adopt this simple Rule of Take 8 that will help you to open your intuition, increase productivity, and speed up business results.

Three: Tuning Into Your Intuition - Learn a daily process for tapping into your intuition and receiving clear answers, regardless of your emotional or mental state.

Four: The Spiritual Senses - Understand the top Spiritual Senses (similar to Physical Senses) and how to receive intuitive information using your dominant Spiritual Senses.

Five: The Urgency of Clarity - Run your inspiration through this checklist to see if it’s truly from intuitive guidance— and how to know when a once-inspired path is no longer the path for you.


Introduction: The Road Not Taken - What intuition is, why tapping into it is like learning any skill, and how it helps you to see what’s in your blind spot.

One: What’s In Your Highest Good? - Why answering this simple question with the help of your intuition can save you hours of toil and trouble and help you find your most aligned path to fulfillment.

Two: Making Time to Be - Adopt this simple Rule of Take 8 that will help you to open your intuition, increase productivity, and speed up business results.

Three: Tuning Into Your Intuition - Learn a daily process for tapping into your intuition and receiving clear answers, regardless of your emotional or mental state.

Four: The Spiritual Senses - Understand the top Spiritual Senses (similar to Physical Senses) and how to receive intuitive information using your dominant Spiritual Senses.

Five: The Urgency of Clarity - Run your inspiration through this checklist to see if it’s truly from intuitive guidance— and how to know when a once-inspired path is no longer the path for you.


Six: The Cycle of All Creation - What to do when tools that worked before are no longer working and how to get through the death/rebirth of your identity and business.

Seven: Searching for Meaning - How to find fulfillment and joy in your life & business (and feel confident you’ll get the intuitive answers to make it happen).

Eight: Seeing Through the Clouds - What to do when you feel like you’re not getting any answers and how to listen and consciously choose to act upon your intuition.

Nine: Who You Are and Who You’re Not - When we get to the bottom of who we really are— and remove any masks we’ve put on, we can connect to our inner truth more purely.

Ten: Aligning With Your True Self - What alignment with your True Self means and how to tell if you’re in alignment or not.


Eleven: Discovering Your Unique Gifts - If you want to make a real difference, you must know your distinct difference. Find your spiritual gifts from the list in the book.

Twelve: Your Beliefs Determine Your Reality - The biggest block to intuition is limiting beliefs. Learn how positive and negative beliefs are like a light switch to your intuition.

Thirteen: The Mindset of Upleveling - Read through this amazing list of 60+ commonly held limiting beliefs in entrepreneurs, so you can clear them and uplevel your mindset.

Fourteen: Filling Your Cup with Self-Care - What self-care really is (and what it’s not) and the ideal self-care practices for lighting up your specific spiritual senses and gifts.

Fifteen: The Intuition-Led Business - The Conclusion. What an Intuition-Led Business looks like in practice (before and after).


Eleven: Discovering Your Unique Gifts - If you want to make a real difference, you must know your distinct difference. Find your spiritual gifts from the list in the book.

Twelve: Your Beliefs Determine Your Reality - The biggest block to intuition is limiting beliefs. Learn how positive and negative beliefs are like a light switch to your intuition.

Thirteen: The Mindset of Upleveling - Read through this amazing list of 60+ commonly held limiting beliefs in entrepreneurs, so you can clear them and uplevel your mindset.

Fourteen: Filling Your Cup with Self-Care - What self-care really is (and what it’s not) and the ideal self-care practices for lighting up your specific spiritual senses and gifts.

Fifteen: The Intuition-Led Business - The Conclusion. What an Intuition-Led Business looks like in practice (before and after).

What People Are Saying About This Book...

Julie Ann Cairns

Bestselling Hay House author & director of The Abundance Code, as seen on Gaia

“Christie Turley’s book is a sweet whisper from the Universe on how to receive inspiration for new abundance to enter your life. Intuition is a sacred gift that we all have and Christie offers practical steps to develop and master your intuition quickly, so you can improve your life, relationships and finances.”

Karith Foster

Founder of Inversity Solutions and

Author of You Can Be Perfect or You Can Be Happy

“I am a successful career woman who loves her family and embraces my relationship with God/Source. I am also a recovering perfectionist who still needs messages of guidance and encouragement to trust and build my intuition. This book was so easy to read because it felt not only as though Christie was speaking directly to me but that she was being Divinely inspired with her message."

Todd Westra

CEO & Founder of Mokuteki,

Team Builder and Leadership Consultant

"She reminded me that too often we have a tendency to operate by our EGO (Edging God Out). I am a man of faith and firmly believe that exercising our ability to follow our intuition, or God's will for us is something too many leaders do without. As a result, many lose track of what really matters most in their lives. Following our intuition will lead us down a path that will lead to the best possible outcomes in our lives, and our business."

Jason Schultz

Founder & CEO, Collective Age Media

“Christie's thought provoking insights and analogies provide the framework for anyone to develop their intuition. This book shows you how to move inward. You'll take leaps toward accessing your higher self so you can share your unique talents with the world and live according to your highest purpose. I recommend this book for anyone looking to synchronize their business efforts with their overall happiness and satisfaction in life.”

David McGlennen

President of Impact Leadership & Emerging Leader Inner Circle

The Intuition-Led Business takes what a lot of leaders know to be true but puts a language, a process and a way to lead a business in the present era. Christie really hits the salient points of not only the 'how to' but also tapping into one of the greatest growth advantages business leaders have for growing their businesses. I'm in the process of growing my team because as I've used my intuition, the business is growing! I'm living proof! ”

Tammy Barlette

CEO & Co-Founder of Athena’s Voice

“Have you ever wanted to ‘follow your gut’ when it comes to business? This book highlights the power of tapping into your intuition through beautiful, relatable analogies, and Christie’s emphasis on self-care and gratitude as foundational to connecting with your intuition inspires action. Seeing numerous examples of limiting beliefs written in the book as if they had been pulled right from my own thought pattern helped remind me that self-doubt only leads to failure if you let it take hold."

George Bryant

Host of The Mind of George Podcast and Serial Entrepreneur

“This book is the missing piece of the success puzzle that most spend their life searching for or get painfully found when it's already too late. This should be required reading for entrepreneurs, business owners, or employees at every level to connect with what makes us all special, our gift. Use this book to chart your path towards your greatness with a fuel that never runs low and always guarantees success."

Coach Michael Taylor

Motivational Speaker, and author of The New Face of Entrepreneurship

“Intuition is a seldom used entrepreneurial super power that is rarely talked about in business. As more and more entrepreneurs focus on building “heart centered” businesses, it’s important for them to recognize how their intuition can not only help their bottom lines, but more importantly, help them find joy, passion, and fulfillment in their businesses. Christie Turley unveils a step-by-step process to support entrepreneurs in accessing their intuition and tapping in to this hidden super power."

From the Author, Christie Turley

"I wrote this book to create an easy-to-understand process for opening up one’s intuition in the shortest amount of time possible, so that entrepreneurs who want to make a bold impact in the world can do that— and fast."

This book will spark inside you the ability to:

  • Align yourself with your most authentic self

  • Make better decisions

  • Shape your ideal life

Christie & Her Clients Have Been Featured In:

The Story Behind the Book


Have you ever brushed off inspiration and said, "I can't do that because (time/money/experience)"?

I resisted writing a book for years. Who am I to write and publish a book? It’s ALL already been written about, right?

Two years ago when I received the intuitive guidance to write a book, I wasn’t very surprised by the thought because I had felt that I would write a book from the time I was a child.

This time, the thought of it had what felt like an electric charge to it. It felt like I would write it very soon.

One day, I asked what the topic would be? I got the answer “intuition” very quickly delivered into my mind. This surprised me. You mean, not a book on marketing or business? Hmmm… I didn’t do anything with this intuitive guidance as it didn’t feel like the right time.

Have you ever ignored your intuition because "it's not the right time" or outside of what logic would tell you?

A year later, a client asked me if I thought it was a good idea if he wrote a book. I said, “Yes!” and gave him some ideas for how to make it a must-read and promote his book. This client asked me about my book. I said I hadn’t written one yet. He seemed very surprised.

Then the next week, a different client asked me totally out of the blue, “Are you going to write a book?” I felt excited about the idea, and said, “Yes, sometime soon.”

Then the next week, I got a voicemail from someone who had the wrong number. The voicemail sounded very important and urgent and said something to the effect of, “Your book has been chosen to be featured at our prestigious event. We need to hear from you right away.”

So finally, I prayed and checked in with my intuition to see if this was now the time to write a book about intuition. The response was kind of like this: “Well duh! Glad you got the very strong hints I’ve been sending you.”

Have you ever received inspiration that you missed (like I almost did)?

I acted immediately (after all, that voicemail sounded very urgent).

I arose early each morning to write and finished it within 14 days during the very busy holidays.

It flowed. I didn’t realize all of this was in me!

Have you ever been so in tune with your intuition that everything flows effortlessly?

What if you could create that "flow state" on-demand?

The reason I wrote this book is because I spent so many years denying that little voice inside of me. I led my business by instinct, intellect and experience— whether my own or others’ experience. It didn’t lead me to fulfillment and joy.

Not only that, I gave away my power to others when I didn’t have the answers in my “brain.” I bought more courses, invested in more coaching and joined more mastermind groups (perhaps you've done this, too).

By learning to tap into my intuition, I learned to reclaim my OWN sovereignty and my God-given gifts to know the best direction for my life and business. I came up with stand-out innovative ideas to promote my business and my clients’ businesses (And surprise! These didn’t fit into anyone’s formula, and they worked perfectly because they are aligned).

Imagine the possibilities when you can get a creative solution from your intuition for any question, challenge or problem!

This book is written for those who want to get ahead in business (and life) faster than any course, coach, or mentor can get you. It’s time that we stop giving away our power— once and for all. Let’s remember our intuitive gifts. Let’s use them to navigate our business in uncharted waters and reach new levels of success, fulfillment and joy.

20 years. 9 businesses started, streamlined, bought &/or sold. 3 business partners. 1000's of entrepreneurs personally coached.

About Christie Turley

Christie Turley guides entrepreneurs and executives to uncover their hidden genius zones and intuitive superpowers, so they can express their truest selves and find lasting fulfillment.

Earlier in her career, she grew two international start-ups by more than $30 Million total, earning a placement in the INC 500. During the next two decades, she launched hundreds of award-winning marketing campaigns for start-ups to Fortune 500 brands, while she and her husband started several successful businesses.

These earlier experiences provided Christie with unique insights into why high performers can experience burnout: they downplay or ignore intuition.
She believes that intuitive intelligence is the key to innovating sustainable solutions that will change the world. Her book, The Intuition-Led Business, and her signature course, “Intuition Upgrade,” provide an easy-to-understand process for strengthening intuition.

As a dynamic speaker, Christie Turley blends various scientific, therapeutic and intuitive modalities into her teachings. She has shared the stage with many

New York Times bestselling authors and is the host of The Higher Genius Podcast. She lives in the southwestern United States with her husband and their two daughters.

Connect with @ChristieTurley on YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook
and on her website

"The only real valuable thing is intuition. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."

-Albert Einstein

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